It is no secret that the United States is one of the fattest nations in the world. About 66% of Americans over 20 years old are overweight or obese. Most people look on the surface of fat, which means think it OK to see the way you want to see. Why should it matter?, Questions them. Because, because they are overweight or obese means so much more than how a person looks.
Twenty years ago, when I saw a person in front of a handicap parking signs, it was because this person needs enough space to a wheelchair from the vehicle. There were no more than one of these spaces at the end of each row of cars, and why they needed to as close to the door is clear.
Today I have had to forfeit the luxury of parking anywhere near the front door of a shop, because there are at least 4 handicap spaces reserved. But I do not see any more people in wheelchairs, when I used to. What I see are people who are overweight or obese, and perfectly capable of driving their cars let alone walk through a store to store.
Do I have even, as much in health insurance increases each year because of obesity? Here is a good example. My friend who is 36 years old never goes to the doctor for everything, but his bill to ensure its own health goes up and up and up. He runs at least 4 miles per day, exercise and eat healthy. What is his salary? A good health, absolutely! But now he has to pay extra for this right, because other people do not eat properly or seek to good health.
What all this means that overweight or obesity affects everyone, not just the person who is overweight or obese. This is the first aspect of what it really means to be fat. The number of overweight American adults doubled in the last 20 years and is on the rise. Instead of trying to solve the problem, doctors simply issue more handicap sticker. I suppose if nothing is done in the next 20 years, my friend will have to do his jogging at the shop, because healthy people do not have a place to park at all.
is even more important than how they affect other people, is the second aspect of what as overweight or obese is. She claims the lives of victims of snack and meal by meal snacks. In the course of several months, a person is the ideal weight can get completely lost in a flabby shell of fast-food grease, a person without ever being aware of it, as it happens.
weight associated with medical problems may rise for those who are overweight and obese. Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, stroke, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory diseases are just a few. Those who are obese are 50% to 100% increased risk of premature death from all causes. I do not think anyone was on this earth to suffer in such ways, and it all comes from your own decisions!
Speaking of suffering, the second reason is obesity claims lives because a person will be someone else, because it is. Always hear the saying "It is not the goal But The Journey"? Take a close look at how the quality of a person's life is deteriorating with every pound gained outside their health. Loss of self-esteem, depression, addiction to prescription drugs and the inability to live life to its fullest are all consequences of overweight or obese.
Is it really your destiny is so great that you can not want to enjoy a cinema because you no longer fit into a seat or two flights pay because you take two seats? Is it your all-time dream somewhere to park your car as close as possible to the stores where you shop? Unless your goal in life is to experience all these things first hand, it is important to change your habits, if you need to lose weight.
Note how I did not just say your eating habits? This is because it takes more than the election of a carrot instead of a cookie is to live a healthy life. This is a great place to start, no question. But a person must change a few things to really good. Their short-term goal should be to lose weight, and your long-term goal should be wellness experience.
What is wellness? Wellness is living a healthy lifestyle, exercise, proper diet and active in the things that give you a feeling of wellbeing. Human, all these aspects do not worry about it, an extra piece of dessert during the holiday or forfeit a Hot Dog at a baseball game. How? Because of the small decisions they lead to a healthy way of life on a daily basis. They are not with the dangers of being overweight or obese.
I have 70 pounds in four months and have him for over 15 years. I struggled for years and years to lose weight before, but nothing changed until I looked at the big picture and began to change. I replaced fatty breakfast with a large soy-based protein shake. I now drink green tea or ice water instead of soda pop. I make healthier choices for my meals. I spend 45 minutes each day riding my bike outside my neighborhood. That's it!
As I said, it does not take much to make a trend. The most important thing you need to live a healthy lifestyle, however, is the mindset of someone who does not want to be overweight or obese more. Once you have that, can you reach new goals and give them simultaneously striving to the person with whom you know, you had to be.
Bill Winch is a Personal Wellness Coach whose mission is teaching and coaching others who are struggling with getting healthy, losing weight safely and keeping it off for good. He is also a Certified Business Growth Specialist, former High School and College Business Educator and Counselor, and mentors from his home office in Rochester, NY. If you are interested in receiving his Free Report "9 Weight Loss Myths Exposed" visit his website by clicking on Free Report or by calling him directly at (585) 271-3767 for a free wellness consultation.
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