

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

The Personal Costs of Obesity

People are overweight and obese many difficulties with their normal weight peers. Frequent doctor visits are a fact of life for overweight and obese people, especially in the development of the weight-related diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. Along with the daily difficulties associated with these diseases, the overweight or obese person can be personally affected financially as a result of the weight and the associated costs are reduced income.

The personal consequences and costs of obesity are serious, and the personal financial cost large. Several studies have shown that obesity significantly negative impact on personal relationships and working conditions, wages and progress, in particular for the females.

While health problems as overweight /obese retirement savings devastate May, an overweight /obese people have difficulty in collecting these savings in the First Square. One of the earliest sociological studies on overweight, in 1966 found that the most serious students had a harder time in top colleges. The obese, especially white women, who are paid less. A Cornell University study shows that a weight gain of 64 pounds above the average for white women was 9 percent lower wages.

I can personally attest to the ceiling on the obese, the jobs are available, that you on the basis of your talent And skills are often not available, there are patterns in the next second in interviews. This is especially true when the activity is social context or a lot of people can meet and greet.

Overweight or not spend more than normal-size people to food, but their life insurance premiums are two to four times as large. You can expect higher costs for medical care, and they tend to spend less money and accumulate less wealth in their lives. You have a harder time rented, and then a difficult time earning promotions. People who are as little as 30 40 2004, The Obesity Society a Task Force on Weight found increasing evidence that a clear and consistent prejudice, stigma and, in some cases, discrimination against overweight people in the three areas of life: employment, education, health and care. They also reported that recent studies have documented negative automatic associations with obese people in the health professions and in obese persons themselves.

In addition to the negative financial impact that obesity leads, there are also effects on the quality of life. People who are severely overweight may have difficulty simple daily tasks, such as shoes or tie walk a flight of stairs. Many overweight people have trouble sitting, or can not trust the weight of the border, standard furniture. It is difficult to restaurants or theatres, or the public transport. Many bathrooms would no longer obese were it not for the availability of the much graeren handicap stall. While I was in a position, which stands regelmaige weighted, if I have a little more than 300 pounds, which is safe, but not obese gigantic, there were many who on the low Grae, and the way in turning at the door was clumsy, if not Difficult.

Think about all the places that you may not go, if you had worried about fitting in, or not to break the chairs, thinking of all the places, the booths, the fixed routes from the table. Consider the average Grae the subway turnstile. Go window-shopping and mentally stylish buy multiple items, then go to one of the Grae plus departments or branches and try to replicate the satisfaction you had in your shopping Mock Grae. Tie a few gallons of water jugs for yourself and see how it is, in your own furniture.

If you really looking for a clue from reality fill the jugs with water and lead in your food. Water weights about eight pounds per gallon, so you can see how it is, with 50 pounds overweight, 100, 150 I doubt that many of us may be around enough mugs to bring our weight up to 500, 600 or higher, that some people live with the obese put the weight on in the course of time tend not to realize how much Weight ask her back and knees. There is no way to truly feel what it is like to physically obese: things like raw inner thighs from chaffing and permanent indentations from raw bra strap can not duplicated.

These problems like trivial to some, but they represent serious, multi -- Layered difficulties, the two have a cumulative effect and a ripple. If you are afraid you might not be able to use, long shopping trips less welcoming. If your Grae affects your ability of the lungs, can cause trouble sleeping, can affect your performance at work, which in turn can lead to a deterioration of the experience of day-to-day financial burdens. This could be the ability to keep literally.

Duke University Medical Center researchers reported that obesity in 2004 significantly affected the sexual quality of life. Adiposen people report sexual problems such as lack of desire, lack of enjoyment, avoiding sex, difficulty and performance at a very much higher than that of ordinary people weight.

Overweight and overweight people are often stereotyped as emotionally impaired, socially handicapped, and as possession of negative personality traits. The evidence of discrimination is found in almost every stage of the employment cycle, including selection, placement, compensation, promotion, discipline and discharge, according to research provided by Western Michigan University. In addition, this bias extends to offer estimates of overweight people in their various work related roles, both as subordinates and co-workers.

According recent studies, the wages of slightly overweight white women were 5.9 lower than standard Weight counterparts; morbidly obese white women goods 24.1 percent lower. In contrast to women who are slightly overweight wages of white and black men were higher than their counterparts standard weight. Men only experienced wage penalties at the highest weight levels.

The potential impacts of the applicant's weight, age, gender and race of the ratings candidate acceptance of jobs in a laboratory setting was investigated in 1988. Overweight candidates were rated significantly lower, but not of the other criteria manipulation had a significant influence. Michigan is the only that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of weight.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law protects that qualified people with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability in the Work. Since the entry into force of the ADA, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has taken the position that people who are morbidly obese (body weight more than 100 percent higher than the norm) are disabled and protected under the ADA. This leaves a large number of overweight, but not morbidly obese, unprotected in forty nine of fifty states. He also people who do qualify in the obligation to bring an ADA action to remedy a situation qualified. And you still have to prove it was discrimination based obesity.

Compared normal weight people, obese and morbidly obese people are massively more are instances of institutional and day-to-day interpersonal discrimination. Krankhaft overweight and obese people massively report lower levels of self-acceptance as a normal weight persons, but this relationship is mitigated by the perception that it was discriminated against because of body weight or physical appearance: One reason more psychologically than palatable character or personality defect or a job not well done.

Unflattering depictions of obese people through popular culture, while several studies document that children, adults and even professionals in the health sector, working with obese patients hold negative attitudes toward overweight and obese people. Twenty-eight percent of the teachers in a study said that more obese is the worst thing can happen that a person; twenty-four percent of the nurses said that they people.

Obese repulsed by obese people who believe that their health care providers look at looking after them avoid supply; this reaction is potentially dangerous, given the fact that overweight people are at increased risk for many health conditions.

Research conducted in the past 40 years shows that obese people as physically unattractive and undesirable. Obese individuals are also to be responsible for their weight due to some fault in character as laziness, gluttony, or a lack of self-control and self-regulation. Obese people may have negative self-evaluations as a response to the spread of negative attitudes towards obese people and real or perceived discrimination treatment.

Interpersonal severe acute consequences of obesity are responsible for most of the members of the higher socio-economic strata. A number of studies indicate that the upper-middle-class Americans are less likely to be obese, more negative opinions to adopt the obese, and more likely to finesse the ideal body type who believe that obesity is a consequence of laziness May Be especially common in people with rich resources and opportunities. Physical appearance and points out a positive image of your employer can be a critical aspect of the job security success in the liberal professions than in the blue-collar or service occupations. In all our surveys, the only noticeable difference in obesity statistics, a drop in the percentage of obesity in the shopping streets of the playgrounds wealthy.

The Employment Law Alliance (ELA), the findings from their America at Work survey Deutend an increase in complaints of discrimination linked to obesity. The survey found 47 percent of overweight Americans believe that they are the victims of discrimination in the workplace, while 32 percent believe obese employees less likely to be respected and taken seriously in the workplace. Almost 40 percent of those who identifies himself as either overweight or obese say they deserve special government protection against weight discrimination at the workplace, but only 26 percent of people of normal weight echo that contention.

Studies show that overweight and obese Students, especially girls, are less likely than non-obese to be adopted by the competitiveness of universities. This is true even when their grades, standardized test scores and other variables are the same as with other boys and girls.

Overweight people are less likely to attend college, although they score high on standardized tests and are scientifically motivated. Even obese women are more likely than other men or women to make their way through college.

Overweight students tend to be rejected, recommendation letter from the Faculty members.

There were some changes in practice in relation to the cessation of obese, as so much more power, Employment has become obese, there is not often an option. Look at the number of employees you see in the shops and businesses in a day, and you will find that there are more employees than there were obese when you were a child. But it does not remove or reduce the ceiling on promotion restrictions, the shadows of the obese.

A study from 1200 showed that the doctors, although doctors acknowledged the health risks of obesity and perceived, how many patients are overweight or obese, they do not intervene Dachte as they should have been ambivalent about how to manage obese customers, and were unlikely to refer them to weight loss. Only 18 percent of the doctors said they would discuss weight management with overweight patients, and only 42 percent of doctors had this discussion with a slightly overweight patients. I lived and worked in five countries in my life, and have jobs in six different counties in California, I have a variety of primary physicians in my adult life, and I can tell you that most never my weight this topic, And a few who did just realised that I should lose some.

In a survey of 1969 doctors, obese patients were described as a weak will , ugly , clumsy , and even - lenient . In a recent survey doctor, one of the three doctors said that they react negatively to obesity, behind three other diagnostic /social categories: drug addiction, alcoholism and mental disorders. A survey of severely obese patients revealed that nearly 80 percent of the medical treatment by disrespectful profession.

Physicians are not immune to obesity. Ironically, doctors report fifty percent of their medical colleagues are obese. The Physicians' Health Study reported that 44 percent of male doctors are overweight, and 6 percent are obese. Although there are no data on obesity in female doctors, the Nurses' Health Study showed that 28 percent of female nurses in the United States are overweight, and 11 percent are obese.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic recently, the results of a poll More than 2500 of obese patients who are in their doctor for a regelmaige review in the course of a year. They found that only one in five of the people were on their charts, as obese.

Discussing weight is even more complicated, with children. According to a 2005 study in the Journal of Pediatrics, doctors diagnosed obesity less than 1 percent of the time between 2 to 18-year-olds, and that figure is far below the one-third of young Americans struggle with obesity and obesity.

Among doctors, 17 percent reported restraint , pelvic exams to very obese women, and 83 percent indicated restraint, a pelvic exam when the patient himself hesitated. Given the fact that obese women are reluctant to receive tests, and that doctors are reluctant to carry out tests or obese women are reluctant to many overweight women may not receive necessary medical attention or preventive care.

Overweight and obese people waiting to get more slowly than normal weight customers. They often have more difficulties, returns or exchanges thinner than their colleagues. When I was obese, sales rarely asked the people to support, and I often felt I had someone to track down, and I had assumed a general state of the loss of ethics of the service of the old days. One thing I noticed, when I get a Grae 4 was that the sales people started coming to me and ask if they could help many more frequently.

Results a study by the North American Association for Study of Obesity found that obese Were children rejected and less frequent liked by peers. Overweight boys more open encounter victimisation (verbal Necken or physical aggression), and overweight girls reported more relational victimization (cruelty of friends and cliques), compared with their average weight peers.

Obese girls were also less likely to As the date their peers. Both obese boys and girls reported that more dissatisfied with their dating status in comparison with the average weight peers. The results suggest that overweight adolescents are graerer danger to the mistreatment of their peers, and have fewer opportunities to develop intimate romantic relationships, it could make a contribution to the health and psychological problems often associated with obesity, in puberty, a time of rapid change in body shape and-grae and dynamic interaction with peers and parents, weight control is a particularly sensitive issue.

Recently kindergarten teachers reported more label obese children as sad and lazy . They voted with an overwhelming majority, the statement childhood obesity is a major reason for the rejection peer-. Another recent study showed that obese children are adopted by the school more than other children, missing an average of two days longer than their peers not obese. It is interesting that obesity appears to predict more absences than any other factor, including school performance and socio-economic status, two of the above-mentioned reasons in the past for poor attendance. As a former public school teacher (elementary and high school level, and as a principal and superintendent of schools pre-K-12), I can tell you that the number of days of school missed severely impact a child learn, and we can perform in relation to fewer jobs and less pay for the rest of the life of a child. That is a steep cost.

Social personal attitudes towards obesity are negative and usually cause the young are withdrawn and isolated. Overweight adolescents have feelings of low self-esteem, social isolation, feelings of rejection and depression, and a strong sense of failure. Obese children are more high-risk behavior such as smoking or alcohol consumption. Obese adolescent girls are more often become sexually active at a younger age in an effort to attention.

The acceptance and prejudices associated with obesity is very intense. Fat teenagers are often disregarded and subject to ridicule. Most comments about fatness negative consequences. Young people are often humiliated and often suffer permanent emotional scars. Fat people are tired judged by weight first and second personality. Adolescent girls who are dissatisfied with their bodies often try to lose weight and unhealthy ways, including skipping meals, fasting, smoking, and to ward off hunger. A smaller number of girls are even resorting to more extreme methods such as self-induced vomiting, diet pills and laxatives. Strict denial foods in an effort to lose weight often leads to the late afternoon or evening binging episodes. More than a third of overweight people in the weight-loss treatment programs report difficulties with binge eating. This type of diet contributes to the behavior feelings of shame, loneliness, poor self-esteem, depression, and in return these feelings can spur additional food as a means of solace.

In a study by the University of California, San Diego, researchers were surprised when they find that the ratings of overweight children on a survey of quality of life were as bad as cancer patients in each domain of life.

One obesity study asked obese people to a forced-choice questionnaire, for each question, they had to make The choice is between their current weight or any other disease. The results were astounding. Although there are some differences on some issues, each obese people said that they prefer blind or a leg amputated, than at their current high weight. Most interestingly each person , which in the study would prefer a bad person thin as morbidly obese millionaire.

Little wonder that depression often associated with obesity and overweight and obese was age 5 until 50 I can personally testify that this chapter understates Grae the variety and the actual cost of the personal obesity.

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