

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

Beat Obesity and Be Happy - Love Yourself - Self Esteem is the Key

You've heard the word repeatedly in almost all self-help texts self-esteem. But what does this word really means and why it seems so important? In the most simple understanding, self-esteem is feeling good about yourself or your wishes. Sounds so simple, does not it? But many people actually have self-esteem issues, and a whole series of factors could cause them. A crucial factor that can unmake a person or self-esteem is their physical appearance. People tend to recognize a person, depending on how they look, and this is one of the biggest drawbacks of those suffering from weight problems.

You can imagine how much the proportion of overweight people is there. Primarily as a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits are often neglected these days. The result is an obesity epidemic, which only presents far too many impacts on the population. Accurate data are not yet collected, what the real causes of obesity are, or what is behind the root of this condition. But one of the facts to determine this is the role of self-esteem in the obesity condition. A vicious circle is actually involved. It is considered obesity-self esteem cycle. If a person is obese, chances are they would suffer from low self-esteem.

And if a person with questions on how they perceive themselves, it is possible that they suffer from a weight problem. It is obvious why an obese person would probably not like what they look like, and so it results to them with a negative perception of themselves. But what about a person, dealing with issues of developing a weight problem? Self-esteem issues fall under the category of emotional issues. And emotional problems can cause a person in emotional eating. About food, binge eating and other unhealthy eating habits often result from emotional issues. These eating disorders are more likely to lead to weight gain, and finally a weight issue or obesity.

This is of crucial importance, such as self-esteem is there may be cause for happiness or unhappiness. But behind negative self-image perception may have other deep-seated causes, of which an emotional trauma. If a person happens to have suffered from bad experiences, which had significantly affected their self-esteem, then the core of their personality and May negatively affected. And if someone accidentally have a problem from the inside, the chances are obvious problems would be on the outside, too. Emotional problems can cause a person to live an unhealthy lifestyle or neglect taking care of themselves. If the problem or negligence, then consequences may arise, perhaps the closest health.

And then again, obesity may be among those consequences. To avoid the vicious circle, emotional trauma or issues must be primarily addressed. It is a person who should be the first to emotionally healthy. Our emotions from a large part of our personality, and if we do for our emotional wellbeing, and we care for one important aspect that contributes to our overall wellbeing. Negative beliefs about ourselves have to be done away with, and emotional issues are sorted. There are several ways to do this, one of which is the spirit of Resonance, or the planning process. MRP is a relatively new type of therapy process.

Other than these, there is spirit and emotional therapies, which have their own approaches in inculcating a healthy self-esteem. The Internet allows you to gain more knowledge about therapies and cures. If you are resourceful enough, maybe you can find the right treatment could be life-changing key to your happiness.


The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website http://www.healthzine.org. You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

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