

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

4 Steps to Stop the Obesity Epidemic in Its Tracks

It is depressing. Each week there seems to be more bad news is released about the disease and financial costs associated with obesity. For example, a study concludes, 75% of Americans suffer from obesity by 2012. And another report released just months projected that all American adults-yes-all be overweight by 2040!

We need to wake up. These shocking reports show how obesity is a national pandemic, infect us like an out-of-control virus, it cost us billions and threatening the nature of our physical and spiritual wellbeing.

More importantly, you need to know you and you alone must take steps to a healthy, vibrant life, while you're on this earth.

Below I have outlined 5 steps that we take to fight back against the obesity epidemic. But note warning-open these straight-forward steps that are likely to criticism from the "politically correct" people out there. But as a professional fitness, honesty and openness is a prerequisite. You must understand how much we need to make our approach to obesity, and how dire the consequences are if we do not make the right decisions.

1st Re-institute a serious physical education curriculum in every grade level in the public schools - educators begin to see the extreme importance of PE and are the starting point for the implementation en masse. A school in Chicago has an incredible fitness program in all classes, using a reporting system that grades their children about the benefits and keep parents up to date their kid's progress. We must press our taxpayer supported schools to do the same when you pay the government thousands of dollars in property taxes, insist that your school system to invest some of that money in an incentive program designed to cost Associated with obesity across the board.

2nd Parents, you have to be a leader - Parents, if you do nothing to prevent your child from weight gain, you basically threatens the length and quality of his life. Kids, the weight gain early in life have statistically the hardest chance of losing it. Please, no more excuses like "He is big boned" or "he thin after puberty." Take your responsibility to the children; stop feeding them so much food, and if they do not like it, is with her. Believe me, your child will thank you for your endless "Tough Love" approach in later life.

3rd Treat overeating than what it is - an addiction. Many of my personal training clients agree, and you probably do, too; uncontrollable overeating is an addiction similar to alcohol or drug abuse. But in contrast to smoke crack cocaine or drinking a liter of vodka, over-eating is socially acceptable (though not completely). So, we are closer than ever to equate food with dangerous, socially unacceptable behavior, the more people will think less eat. Not that I'm what we lock up people who actually enjoy eating food. But instead insist that constant over-eating is much like a narcotic, producing lifelong health disasters not only in the person of excessive eating to play, but in the nationals who are up to you for guidance.

4th Exercise as automatic as breathing - we 're a service-oriented society in which most of us do little manual labor. We can not life-changing perception of how our ancestors will automatically receive 100 years ago in our agricultural /manufacturing company. Modern-day exercise is working, so we must consciously and intentionally paste it into our daily lives. And it must never, never an option. No ifs, ANDS, or Butser. You must log in , Movement, and will be on your way.

You will be surprised at my suggestion would be some call it extreme and hard. But let's face it, the reality we face is tougher. The financial and wellness costs our economy, pocketbook, and health at large will be enormous if we are not the major changes in our expectations and beliefs about excessive eating to play. And it all begins with you, the individual, but for your own life and the right decisions taken to ensure that you have an emotionally and physically healthy life.


David Duford

Owner, BodyElite Personal Training


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Duford