

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

Obesity and Health Care

Although everyone knows that it is very important, the right to health care, but most people often neglected to take care of their health. It is so difficult, the time that we focus on our bodies healthy and graten contrary, it is something we want to learn how a well-shaped body, but never have the time. A person with a BMI of 30 May as obese. All people, more than 10 pounds of weight than morbid obese people.

After all, our health is usually so stable, but that's when people such a big mistake. The time that they finally place their health status is in a period where they have to. Obesity is one of the most common problems faced by people today. About 30 million people are obese and one third of people live their lives with this disorder. Obesity is defined as a body weight of 20% or more above the ideal standard weight.

Obesity means that too much fat in the body. This sometimes confused with obesity which means weighing too much fat in the body. Obesity occurs at this time, if you eat more calories than you use. The balance between calories in and calories out is different for each person and obesity in people depends on it. Factors which may be the Zenglein to balance your genetic make-up, overeating, eating high fat foods and not physically active.

Risk factors obese as "a person who is an increased risk for diabetes, heart stroke, arthritis, heart attack and some types of cancer. An obese person, if 5-10% loss of its weight may have lower risk of health problems. The problem is, as just a problem in high-income countries and on the other hand, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low-and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings.

Being obesity can also apply to a person, the joints, breathing, sleep disorders, mood swings and energy. This is overweight or obese can affect a person for the entire quality of life. A person Obesity, may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes with the extent and duration of obesity. Type 2 diabetes is associated with the central obesity, and a person has central obesity, excess fat around his /her waist, that the body shaped like a apple.


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