

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

10 Ways to Prevent Preschool Childhood Obesity Through Healthy Eating

As a parent with young children, it can be quite difficult to find the time, money and energy to ensure that your children eat in a healthy way. You have visions of standing immediately in the kitchen washing, chopping and preparing a mountain of fruit and vegetables, which is hardly appealing to anyone let alone if you have very little time to prepare a meal, cook, eat and wash! So, what is the solution?

1. Planning ahead is the key to a healthy diet. Start with your weekly shopping list, think of what meals you are in the preparation and then think of the ingredients that you need. Concentrate on cooking a meal for the whole family and then adapting it for example, that a part on the one hand, before a certain ingredient and then pureeing it.

2. Fast food. Save time by trying different sauces and finished it in chicken or fish and make it with rice or noodles and mixing up to young children.

3. Add vegetables to everything - if you spaghetti bolognese "to a mixed form of frozen vegetables. Mixed with all that pasta, cheese and meat Your children will not notice them.

4. A healthy diet need not be expensive. Always buy seasonal Fruit and vegetables, frozen or tinned. Serving your child's food in colorful bowls or with their favorite TV character on food interesting.

5. Spend one week calculating how much you spend on food and do not forget about all those purchased snacks on the go, such as chips and chocolate bars. I guarantee you will be spending much more than you realize! Save the money and treat your family to one day out.

6. Add more herbs and flavours in their food . When you add fish cakes, dried parsley and experimenting with herbs. Your child may even grow their own herbs pots.

7. Plan to eat three to four times per day. Remember that research has shown that the Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast can be something like a banana, a piece of toast or a few spoonfuls of cereal. He needs only five minutes to something better than nothing.

8. Whenever possible, eat together. Food, whether at the table or on the sofa encourages your child to try new foods by watching you eat it.

9. Take healthy snacks with you. If you are out for the day, apples and fruit juices and plan your day to come back with meals you can have enough time to prepare your meal.

10. Once a week, depending on their age, with your children to prepare a meal like washing some vegetables or even letting them watch while you prepare their meal.

I challenge you to three of these ideas into practice over the next two weeks and to enjoy the benefits that may range from the improved behaviour of your children to tighten belts a notch!

Copyright Suparna Dhar 2008. All rights Reserved.


Suparna Dhar is a life and career coach and runs her own practice life's canvas which provides manager's with one to one coaching and bespoke professional and personal development workshops, based on the aims of Every Child Matters.

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