

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

Teenage Obesity a Growing Problem Parent Must Not Ignore

Teenage Obesity is a growing problem, to coin a phrase, but not to make light of a catastrophic situation. Many millions of people worldwide are now overweight than at least with a good share fall into the category of obese. There were more than 10 million obese people in the United States alone, and of these more than 15% were cases of over weight or obesity in children and teenagers.

In fact, the number of people worldwide are overweight, actually recently surpassed the number are underweight due to lack of appropriate, regelmaige nutrition. This is simply a dire, man-made consequence of cheap food, fast food and wealth by the availability of "so-called" foods are high that in the areas of energy, but low in nutritional value, in a world that requires people decreasingly " get their butts and do something energetic!

This is a special concern for obese adolescents, because they are often the development of a lifestyle patterns that lead to that annual misery and disease. Misery, for example, because personal identity and the development of psychological security in relation to their body image is particularly important for young people. Feeling good about the way it is important in social situations and it impact on the acquisition of effective social skills and the development of inter-personal relationships.

Teenagers are obese, may also find that they are physically unfit, and their general well-being is reduced. As they age they can to endure years of declining health and obesity is now widely accepted as a predisposing factor in many major health challenges, many obese people have ultimately a shorter life expectancy than those who maintain a healthy weight for your height and to pursue fitness goals.

Studies about childhood and teenage obesity has been published recently by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the American Heart Association and the Center for Disease Control, as well as others. Together with the associated health concerns it has also shown that obese children and adolescents are more frequent in the cases of bullying than the average. That does not mean that they only "suffering" is often bullied, but they are more likely to perpetrators as well. Such evidence is all part of a pattern from which the lifelong emotional difficulties, including the development of feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, which in clinical depression and poor mental states.

In even in these days of television, computer games and the Internet, we are surrounded by so many "distractions" we can never really get up and "do" really physical, as perhaps would have been commonplace a generation or two. The result of this "social malaise" Big population is growing across all age groups. But this is especially a concern to the younger generations, if the need to build fitness and strength are allergrater. Instead, we are cultivating a generation of sickly, fat children and adolescents. It sees itself as a trend that is difficult to change, without the parents of overweight young people a positive and responsible role.

It is important that young people (because they are sensitive during this time of hormonal turbulence) should not feel in any way " bad "on a few kilos overweight. But it is also important that "a little overweight" (a common euphemism for timeliness is obese) is not only tolerated, ignored or even as an alternative to a healthy body can not weight.

One no, it is important that everyone learns to "love themselves, for they are. But in the vast majority of cases of overweight or obesity, the fact that a person with an unhealthy burden of fat is not, therefore, they are, it is what they are disciplined by bad diet and bad habits. It is a tough pill to swallow ... but someone has to say!

Children and young people can not on the merits be held responsible for the development of poor eating habits and (open) lazy way. The debt has only one door to be that the parents. If the budget to buy food patterns include maximum amount of processed foods, foods with high fat and beyond in a high sugar and /or to take away /fast food, then this is simply parental irresponsibility in practice. The same applies to the normal purchasing large supplies of mega-sized soda and cola drinks. These beverages are often based caffeine and therefore in fact "addicted". Parents have developed a taste for literally litres of soda a week in their children have a high degree of guilt to shoulder if their child has been the victims of juvenile obesity! (And not think that buying low-cal "or" sugar-free "all options are better. They contain not only caffeine but also usually include unpleasant chemical Saungsmittel, which are increasingly proving to be detrimental alarming on the long-term health.)

Turning an "eye" on burgeoning amounts of "puppy fat" is likely to easily Tubby 10-year-old teen to a truly obese. It is therefore important that parents not only keep a healthy pantry, but also good personal examples. Do not be afraid, the problem of obesity in the family discussions (obesity is often a family trait, after all), but of course not to the point of obsession to it (this is the road in a different set of food and Food-related problems!)

We all know that children and young people need some "additional energy" when they grow. Although this "common knowledge" came from a time, usually children were very physically active, in contrast to typical young people of today. There is a fine line between "extra energy" and unnecessary indulgence. It is pretty much okay to eat the odd extra portion of fruit or even occasionally between meal snack, but habitual intake of quantities of biscuits, cakes, Saigkeiten, fast food and soda addict is a real recipe for disaster Big Fat!

For parents are willing to accept late-in-the-day that they have helped develop another overweight teenagers, the best advice is "not ignore". Find out where you can win local support, talk to your doctor, seek self-help groups to do what is necessary in order for any abdication of responsibility in your past. Coax, encourage, coach, do what you need, together with a good example and a properly nutritious pantry, help your child is always active, less dependent on the wrong foods and beverages, and more for the conversion of a case of teenage obesity in a fitter, healthier adult.

Dieting Coach Phil Ian Goode provides further encouragement and advice about achieving weight loss, fitness and finding an effective weight loss program via his website at http://www.DietingCoach.org He has also published some specific tips for parents wanting to help obese teenagers on his Lens about tackling teenage obesity at the popular information website Squidoo.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phil_Ian_Goode