

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

Body Mass Index Or How Fat Am I?

What is BMI or Body Mass Index and how does it work? According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, a person who overwieght is a person that body fat measurements in more than 25%. Obesity is when someone has a BMI of over 30%.

A person, weight and height are used to calculate body mass index. Although the measure is the Body Mass Index (BMI) is not directly measure body fat, there is enough evidence to confidently predict the body to fat ratio. There are plenty of alternative tests for the detection of co-relation between body fat and height.

Most adult weight problems can be searched by using BMI. Not all people with a high BMI are in the same situation as risk to the health problems associated with the extra weight. To more accurately predict weight problems, health professional also deals with things such as nutrition, the level of activity, genetic features and skin fold measurements with calipers. Family characteristics or genetics can be a big problem considering the weight of a person. Either way, overweight or underwieght conditions can be measured by BMI.

measurement of a person BMI is an inexpensive test and post statistics is a very reliable test. Tests such as underwater weighing and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, while very reliable too expensive for the general population.

The two methods of measuring BMI use kilograms and meters or pounds and inches. If you use the metric method, the formula weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared. For example, a person who weighs 68 kg (150 pounds approx.) And stands 165 centimeters (6'5 "approx). To determine the amount, the number of centimeters to meters must be shared by only that the number of 100 Calculation 68 kg would be divided by the square of 1.65 meters to come with a body mass index of 24.98, right on the border of overweight. The other method is to pound and customs. The calculation is weight divided by Customs Height squared and multiply that by a factor of 703, so with the same basic calculation of the figures would be 150 lbs shared through all 65 square-inch 703 times corresponds to a body mass index of 24,96. These calculations are for Adults 20 years and older, either sex.

Okay now we know how to get the BMI, but what is considered obese, overweight, normal or underweight. A person is underweight every person with a BMI below 18 /5 normal BMI everything would be between 18.5 and 24.9. If you are overweight but not yet obese then you have a BMI of 25 to 29.9. Anything over 30 and is considered obese.

Some interesting variations on standard BMI exist. For example, women with the same BMI as men tend to have more body fat. Use the same BMI, older people tend to have more body fat than younger adults. athletes, well-educated can have a high BMI, but because of muscularity, body fat and May less.


Ken Glauser

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