

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

Weight Loss Traps

Whether its data about losing a little fat or winter to correct a problem of obesity, so that the decision to lose weight is not the easiest to make. In fact, for most of us, it's a huge challenge. These 10 tips should help you if you want to go for it, they are about what to avoid.

1st You can not believe you can do it alone.

If you need advice or assistance, please do not hesitate to ask them from your friends or professionals. Do not try to solve all problems by itself. Not everyone was born with steel in his character or more nervous than guitar strings.

2nd Do not allow reality to slip away.

Logic dictated that a situation, the months or years to build will not disappear in a day or a few weeks. The secret here is a combination of two words: consistency and determination.

3rd Not imagine will power can do it.

Use your common sense. After hard work by a rest period. This applies even if you lose weight, if you eliminate the fat, the body is working hard to achieve this. Treat yourself to a pleasure for all now and then, the trick here is: Be patient and kind to yourself and your body.

4th Not started visiting the gym, like your life depends on it.

Another common mistake is to fall into the new-broom-clean sweep trap and click on the elaborate rooms every day. Create good habits slowly and remember to say that every single effort, however small, will contribute to the overall result. At work, your body will start to grow muscle, which takes time. Furthermore, muscle tissue is heavier than fat, keep this in mind too.

5th Not to be fanatical say 'no' to.

The child in you is in rebellion. Your will power and determination will only grow if you reward yourself and do not turn into a reward bad habit of exaggerating. Do not make your diet regime. The word regime itself contains elements of the dictatorship. Nobody likes a dictator.

6th Not select the method Die Hard start your diet.

This is only up for a major crash. In dealing with habits that obesity situation, start focusing on the fact that they must be tamed, not broken. Gradually replace the excess weight to create new habits that will help you achieve your goal.

7th No ban on all calories.

If you suddenly stop providing large quantities of food to your system, they believe that lean times have arrived, and the result will be that your body will start building reserves, making the problem worse. Slowly reduce the quantity of food intake, you can use your body adapt.

8th Not to be suddenly Skipping meals.

Some people let their logic misguide them into thinking that skipping one or two meals could help them lose weight faster. It is the best way to defend themselves caught in the yoyo syndrome. Every time you lose a pound this way, the body will try to compensate by two pounds reserves.

9th Do not go stand on the bathroom scale every day.

As the best results are the ones we win slowly, standing on the scale of daily weight may be counterproductive. The lack of immediate results can be demotivating. In addition, bear in mind that your weight to stabilize, before a drop, and that this also needs time.

10th Do not let your emotions be chief decision-makers.

Human beings often not aware of the connection between unproductive emotional states and the knee jerk reflex grave Bing something to eat. It is just another way of dealing with this negative state of mind and a common event as well. Why punish you, your body and tax your own health to understand because they have something about themselves?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Van_Moorleghem