

Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, exceeds healthy limits. It is commonly defined as a body mass index (weight divided by height squared) of 30 kg/m2 or higher.

Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, some authorities view it as a serious and growing public health problem. Some studies show that excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

How to Get Financial Assistance For Your Lap Band Surgery

If you opt for the lap band surgery, the doctors you need to analyze if you qualify. Then you have to cover the expenditure of the operation. This operation with a significant medical decision and the important financial decisions.

The total cost includes:

  • hospital fees

  • laboratory and X-ray fee

  • surgeon fee

  • anesthesia fee

  • various costs, including follow-up visits

In the USA, the cost of operation and related costs of $ 15,000 to $ 25,000. Previously, this amount is unbearable for many. Today, there are insurance companies and financial institutions offer lap band insurance coverage and financial support for LAP-Band surgery. You have obesity surgery coverage by medical insurance.

Many financial institutions offer financing or loans for overweight people to solve their financial problems. With the help of which patients are able to cover part of their medical costs. Doctors can be used to finance necessary programs and plans, the payment of financial lenders.

However, you are responsible for the financial support if the doctors believe that for this operation to be performed. Lap-band surgery is completely different than diminish. In order to obtain approval for financial support, all necessary documentation by the physicians to the insurance and financial lenders are ..

They must be able to view the following:

  • physician referral letter for practice

  • your story
  • background on obesity for 5 years and above

  • your
  • (BMI) over 40

  • records of your previous weight loss attempts

  • The result of the psychological examination that you have

All the above strongly justify your need for surgery before your health deteriorates. The financial support, together with a repayment plan thereafter.


For more information about lap band insurance coverage and cost of lap band surgery, visit LapBandSurgeryReviews.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J.J._Yong